Work > Sculptures

Covid Refrigerator with Flowers (The Covid Diaries Series) Detail
Covid Refrigerator with Flowers (The Covid Diaries Series) Detail
Foamcore, cardboard, paper, glue, wire, magic sculpt, acrylics, ink jet printouts
76" (h) x 48" (w) x 52" (d)

The "Covid Diairies" series are works based on my journal entries during the past eight months and counting. In the series, mundane daily chores in isolation in my apartment collide with catastrophic world news.

The piece references the practice of putting cut flowers in the refrigerator in order to keep them fresh. In this work, the singular white flowers are of the type in funeral arrangements. While the Covid deaths accumulate so do the flowers, as if each one was a memory of a lost life. The flowers are in different states of freshness, some of them appearing to melt like icicles with the refrigerator doors open and the interior molding. The front doors of the fridge are pasted with newspaper articles from the pandemic including articles about the refrigerated trucks and the devastation to the tulip industry in Holland. There are also pictures of two people who were lost from my communities during this time and pages from my actual calendar that I keep on my fridge at home.